Chakras: Definition

By definition, Chakras are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes (like internal localized computers running the organs and tissues in the part of the body they are located in), from organ function to the immune system and emotions. Seven primary chakras are positioned throughout your body (again relating to the 7 sacred principals we are all based on), from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color, and governs specific functions that help make you human. You are energy. All living things are created by and comprised of energy. The ability of your energy centers to function optimally keeps you psychologically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually balanced.

Chakra: A Brief History

The term chakra is Sanskrit for “wheel.” Rightfully so, chakras are regularly depicted as spinning, colored wheels of energy. For millennia, chakras have been recognized as essential to life. Discussions about chakras originate in India around 1,500 B.C. There is also mention of them in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, dating to circa 200 B.C. However, the West didn’t hear much about Chakras until the subject was introduced by Sir John Woodroffe (aka
Arthur Avalon) in the early 20th century. Chakras or whirling energy centers are a very important part of the energy body. Just as the visible physical body has vital, major, mini organs (organelles in each cell such as the mitochondria that make most of the energy for the cell and the body), the energy body has vital, major and mini Chakras. The Vital Chakras are energy centers which are about three to four inches in diameter. The Chakras are literally small fiber optic balls that function as computers, routing energy between the other chakras and to all the organs in that area of the body. They control and energize the vital organs of the visible physical body. When the computer systems malfunction, the corresponding vital organs become sick or diseased because they do not have enough life energy to operate properly! The ancient acupuncture meridian/channel system is nothing more than a fiber optic system that conducts ultra violet light throughout the entire body from and to all Chakras both major and minor as well as to and from all the organs.

Chakras: several important functions

They absorb, digest and distribute prana to the different parts of the body. The Chakras control, energize, and are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole physical body and its different parts and organs. The endocrine glands are controlled and energized by some of the major chakras. The endocrine glands can be stimulated or inhibited by controlling or manipulating the major chakras. A lot of ailments are caused partially by the malfunctioning of the chakras. Some chakras are sites or centers of psychic faculties. Activation of certain chakras may result in the development of certain psychic faculties. For example, among the easiest and safest chakras to activate are the hand minor chakras—located at the center of the palms. By activating these chakras, one develops the ability to feel subtle energies and the ability to feel and sense different parts of the aura.

The 7 Main Chakras


The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. It governs the way we connect to the outside world and oversees our basic survival needs (food, water, shelter, air, etc.) and how our physical body interacts with nature. When this chakra is balanced we feel stable, safe, supported and grounded. Its base color is red and its element is earth.


This chakra is located one hand width above the pubic bone and one hand width below the navel. It is intimately linked to our sexuality and creative processes and is known by martial artists as the Dan Tien. This chakra is connected to organs such as the reproductive organs and urinary bladder. Its energy encourages us to explore the world and use our creativity to find artistic outlets and adapt to change. Its base color is orange and its element is water.


This chakra is located just below the sternum. It is the source of personal agency and self-esteem in that it translates our desires into action. The intuition is attached to this chakra and is literally a connection from us to THE ONE Creator (The God of ALL Creation). The Sanskrit name Manipura means City of Jewels and this relates to the intuition—our connection to the word or voice of the One Creator of ALL things. This chakra is connected to organs such as the diaphragm, kidneys and liver. Its energy encourages us to explore the world and use our creativity to find spiritual outlets and adapt to change. Physically, it helps regulate digestion. Its base color is yellow and its element is fire.


This chakra located at the center of the chest. It relates to our feelings of love, compassion, forgiveness, connection and understanding. This is where the
physical and spiritual chakras intersect. You may think of the arms as a physical expression of the heart chakra where we connect to others through handshakes and warm embraces. Anahata, the heart chakra, means “unstuck” in Sanskrit. This chakra lies at the middle of your cardiovascular system and is connected to organs such as the heart and lungs. The heart chakra is associated with a person’s emotional profile, such as their natural generosity and ability to appreciate compassion and connectedness. Its base color is green and its element is air.


This chakra is located at the base of the throat and governs our mouth, jaw, ears and neck. This chakra is the home of our communication, is the seat of the will and is the place for purification. It also presides over the thyroid, which balances our hormones and keeps our immune system healthy. When this chakra is open we communicate clearly with authenticity and practice intuitive listening. It regulates how we communicate and allows us to express ourselves skillfully.
Confidence and understanding are related to this chakra. Its base color is blue and its element is aether.


This chakra is located between the eyebrows in the center of the brain, surrounds the pineal and the pituitary gland. It governs the brain, eyes, skull, pineal and pituitary glands. It is associated with your wisdom, intellect, knowledge, understanding and imagination. A person with an open sixth chakra may experience lucid dreaming or clairvoyance. Such people will be able to feel guidance from The Source of ALL Creation (The One True God of ALL Creation) and be able to trust in the process of life and believe their presence is an integral part of the fabric of life. This chakra is also known as the “third eye” chakra because of the pineal gland (third eye) that lies at its center. This governs insight, especially at spiritual levels. A receptive and balanced Ajna chakra empowers us to notice interconnections that exist in this world and beyond. Its base color is indigo and its element is light.


Also known as the thousand-pedaled lotus that rests on the seat of the head. This chakra connects us to THE Divine source of ALL creation/THE ONE True Living God, The Universal consciousness. When this chakra is open we feel the flow of energy fill our body and connect us to all other beings on this planet and ALL of creation. At the seat of this chakra we learn that we are pure consciousness, interconnected and essentially all one. Its base color is purple and it embodies the spirit.


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