Understanding that time is a human construct and doesn’t really exist may be one of the hardest concepts to wrap your bio brain around. After all, everything we do is measured by time. We wear watches, set alarms on our mobile devices, have history books and pictures that prove events occurred prior to now, and we certainly aren’t getting any younger. Yet, if you allow yourself to think about time as less linear, you will realize you already know the truth about time. For some a work day flies by while for others a work day drags on. Have you ever sat and listened to a grandparent describe their life – they always say “time flies”. Just ask a child waiting for Christmas – to them, Santa only comes every 100 years!
So what is time exactly? In The Wes Penre Papers – First Level, time is defined energy, and is described as being perceived differently depending on where you are in the universe. Earthlings measure time based upon our rotations around the sun, where one year is defined by one orbit around it. A year on Jupiter would be perceived as longer as it is further from the sun and thus takes longer to to make a full trip around the sun. So who’s definition of one year would be correct? Consider the following described by Wes Penre:
Scenario #1: An alien race from another star system, let’s say 50 light-years from Earth, wants to visit us in the year 2011. They are quite an advanced race, so they have no problems finding Earth on the star map; they know our coordination and can easily, by using wormholes, black/white
holes, stargates and antigravity, travel here more or less instantly. So, hypothetically, they take their hyper-dimensional spaceship and arrive at Earth in …what time? Their own planet has a totally different orbit than ours and they don’t count time as we do. Imagine that their days are 20 of our days and their years are
100 of ours. How do they know in what time they arrive at Earth?
Scenario #2: Consider a time-lapse film. You film traffic going over a bridge for a 24-hr period. You then speed up the film and compress the 24 hours into, say, 24 minutes. The speeded up film looks both familiar and very different. The compressed film is operating according to different rules of space and time compared with the original film. Now speed up the film to infinity. What happens? If something is travelling infinitely fast, it does not experience the passage of time. It gets anywhere in no time. Everything is instantaneous. The time-lapse film ends as soon as it begins. All of the information it contained is processed instantly.
Scenario #3: Our genetic memories don’t distinguish how much time has passed, in our terms of looking at time. When we remember the past lifetimes of our ancestors, it doesn’t matter if an incident occurred 50 years ago or 100,000 years ago; the memories can be equally clear or nebulous. We also have the capability to recall several lifetimes at once, because everything our ancestors did and thought is stored in the memory bank on a cellular level, in our DNA.