‘There are underwater bases.
There are bases that are underwater, on the surface of the ocean floor, and there are also subterranean bases below the ocean floor.’
Black Operation Whistleblowers Testimonies on SEALABS:
Black Op Whistleblower Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids.
In his interview with New York Times best-selling author David Wilcock, Smith described different groups of extraterrestrials that assisted in autopsies, in these types of bases, conducted on other beings of non-Earth origin:
“I had an engineer describe to me how they built a certain base with domes that were lowered into the water, positioned by the Navy, and then an underwater concrete was applied. The domes were placed on top of the foundation, and then the water is pumped out from the inside of the dome. And then the pressure of the ocean creates an even tighter seal from the way it’s engineered. It’s a type of concrete that is the foundation. They enter in below and come up within.
And then they build within it. And then, again, there are also Navy expeditions that have gone and found beautiful underwater caverns that lead to areas underground that are perfect for sealing off and pumping all the water out, pressurizing, and building a base. They’ve done that and created several submarine bases. There’s one that there was a lot of speculation about. Some people said it was a hoax, but there is an opening for an underground base system that submarines use off the coast of California that was, I believe, caught on a satellite image. And there was a whole lot of scuttlebutt on the Internet about it, and then it kind of died off. There was a door that would normally be closed that matches the features of the ocean floor, and it was wide open, and this is where submarines go in, go to a lake that is in Nebraska. And it pops up in a . . . And they pop up in a lake, or they’ll stay just below and not surface. But they have . . . It’s large enough for nuclear submarines to travel in a subterranean cavern system. It’s like an underground submarine . . . and underground, underwater submarine base.” [3]
And some of those scientists and physicians are actually of “un-Earth origin” – this is the term they use – which are extraterrestrials, which have volunteered, either after being captured or volunteered through the system, through the compartmentalized program, to work to actually help us, because they kind of actually feel bad sometimes, even after we capture them and beat the heck out of them and do horrible things to them.
They actually turn around and willingly want to help us and stay with us and teach them about their own physiological phenotypes, about their own race…
I might be actually assisting an extraterrestrial, helping complete the mission, whatever the mission is: gathering frequencies using devices, or gathering tissue samples, or running special tests of the bodies, which actually . . . They can scan the whole body and 3D print that body later on….
Smith asserted the extraterrestrials as benevolent, even though they possessed advanced psychic abilities that could be used as weapons:
I would say they’re benevolent. I would say they’re a very humanitarian type of thought process. They’re a lot smarter than us.
They could actually at any time probably do damage to us or hurt us with their telekinesis and telepathic abilities, but they don’t….”
Smith explained that the extraterrestrials projected a warm friendly ambience that was felt by the human scientists working alongside them:
Being next to one of these extraterrestrials, by the way, including the Ant people and the Mantis people, you have a really beautiful self feeling being in their energy fields.
And people have actually had miraculous healings by being on these craft and working on the craft and working just in the vicinity of an extraterrestrial.
David: How does THAT work?
Emery: I do not know how that works. I think it’s electromagnetic of some frequency that allows the body, their body, that already generates a very, very high vibration, . . . It actually brings our vibration up so our cells are running at a specific voltage so our own cells can heal ourself….
You don’t need to because a lot of this energy is telepathic and telekinetic, so you actually feel happy.
You might . . . Like you get chills walking into a dark room at night because you might feel a ghost, but it’s the opposite. It actually enlightens you. It actually puts you in a good mood, and your body picks up on this.
Smith referred to an accident involving a group of extraterrestrials he called the ant people (insectoids), who assisted in the examination of some of their brethren that had been killed in an industrial accident:
Emery: There was a big project where they found multiple Ant people that were somehow killed by chemicals of some sort. And there was a lot of them that were brought into the facility, I remember, by the truckloads actually.
David: Did you have any idea where these casualties happened?
Emery: No, I don’t know. I do believe it was in North America somewhere.
David: In an underground facility then?
Emery: Yeah, I think that somehow they were discovered, and I think they were probably taken out in some fashion in the New Mexico, Colorado area….
I don’t know the specifics, but they did bring in multiple beings. And these beings all died of asphyxiation, and their lungs were completely burned out, and some of their mucous membranes and eyeballs were completely burned out….
So these Ant scientists that were there were actually assisting, trying to find out and see what happened to these individuals.
David: Now were the Ant people in the room that were alive the same types as the ones that were dead?…
Emery: Yes, the exact same types. And it was the first time I’ve ever felt sorrow next to an extraterrestrial.
David: Really? What was that like?
Emery: It was really upsetting. That was . . . [Emery feels strong emotion, stops, turns away, tears up.] sorry….
Transamerican Underground Subshuttle System (T.A.U.S.S.):
Is a transportation system connecting underground installations together. It covers the entire continental United States and extends through Central America and Brazil into Argentina. [2] There are two different modes of transportation. Tram and gondola. Two types of trams. egg-shaped pod with four seats on opposite sides of the interior. Padded dentist seats with seatbelts, which are unnecessary. The pods can go over 700 MPH. They have their own inertial field. [1]
“the underground tram system goes under the ocean. It goes to Australia. It goes to Europe. It goes to Asia. The tram system travels all over. And there are underwater bases. There are bases that are underwater, on the surface of the ocean floor, and there are also subterranean bases below the ocean floor.” [2]
1. The Goldfish report 248
Written by Paul Wilson